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Composting loo's

now trending ... a growing movement in green disposals 


Composting toilets

As Seen at The Crooked Orchard

Nestled away in the beautiful village of Brent knoll your luxurious bell tent awaits, surrounded by open fields and waterways with stunning views of the Knoll.  The log burning stove, large comfortable bed and designer interior will ensure your stay is cosy and romantic whatever the weather.

Our composting toilets are not only great for the environment but they are as beautiful  on the outside as they are inside . Hand crafted units , with hand made toilets. All our loo's are made from sustainable sources - to be even more eco friendly we can also provide you with our range of toilet products such as bamboo toilet rolls  . 

The age old question: "Where does the poo go?"

​Humans, like our not-so-distant livestock relatives, are magnificent creatures who literally produce tonnes of rich and nutritious fertilizer every day (As a collective species that is, not as individuals- that would be horrific). 

Our handy 220L composting bin can be positioned somewhere out-of-sight and out-of-smell, providing an eco-friendly solution. It comes complete with a starter sack of compost, to help introduce the necessary bacteria culture to begin the decomposition, as well as a tub of specially trained, ex-KGB worms, renowned for their voracious appetites, hardiness and loyalty to the Motherland.

If treated right, something smelly and unhygienic can be broken down into not-so-smelly and safe to use within about a year, thanks to slow decomposition by aerobic bacteria, fungi and worms.

Our Lav Shack already comes complete with a handy urine separator, this can be diverted from the unit or to a large bottle which can be emptied .... This helps the brown stuff that goes in the bucket dry out quicker, reducing the odour. If the two are mixed (Like in an ordinary toilet), the saturation of whizz actually creates anaerobic conditions that are harmful to the bacteria and worms, reducing the rate of decomposition and causing a worse smell, so separating them early on is key!

Once full, the bucket can be emptied into the composting bin, with an extra bucketful of sawdust for good measure! The lid then goes firmly on, preventing any pongs from travelling in the breeze. 

Within about a year, you'll be left with safe compost that'll do just fine on your flowerbeds... or your vegetable patch if you're
feeling brave!


Legal Info / Terms





Minimum Hire

New Offices  -   Huxtable Hill - Torquay - TQ2 6RN

MOB: 07472 672292

Huts built by the English shepherd hut company - supplied by Signature Blue for hire 

The English Shepherds Hut Company is a part of Timberpad LTD, which is a trademark of Craig Nield Project Management. All original content © 2011, Craig Nield. All Rights Reserved. Timberpad Garden Offices and Studios and Shepherds Huts are bespoke, custom made, external timber buildings. Timberpad products are designed and built to order by Craig Nield Project Management and all Timberpad garden offices and studios and shepherd huts can conform to the Health And Safety At Work Act (HASAWA).


Timberpad and The English Shepherds Hut Co. are based in Norwich and delivered throughout the UK. Orders to outside of the UK can be fulfilled upon request.


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